5 Must-Have Features of the Asset Management Platform

5 Must-Have Features of the Asset Management Platform to Boost Business Productivity in 2024

How to improve asset management through administering rapidly growing environment in the most business beneficial way? Emerline proves that an asset management platform will handle a great deal of issues and time-consuming processes if it has right functional capabilities.

Any company, either startup or huge corporate, which aims to manage their assets and resources in an effective and transparent way, should consider asset management software for their life cycle tracking.

The question is, what functionality should the solution possess to track and optimize tangible and intangible assets in such a way that it will strengthen your business?

Emerline has been involved in the development and implementation of the IT asset management solution for a couple of years already and knows firsthand of its required capabilities, the demands of the end users who track and manage IT and fixed assets across all company facilities, and some asset management tips.

Let’s look at some business perks a right asset management solution needs to provide:

Manage physical equipment, software, and licenses using one and the same solution

Smart asset management goes beyond IT assets and isn’t limited to ITAM. When the ‘asset’ concept covers devices, software solutions, and licenses, it allows you to manage physical equipment, desktop software, SaaS solutions, and licenses at once.

The available functions vary depending on the asset type:

Physical equipment

  • Visibility on the history of each device (info about previous and current owners, price, depreciation schedule, etc.)


  • Tracking third-party logins
  • Scanning all software installations and keeping this picture up-to-date


  • Supporting a full cycle of software license management, including license tracking, assignment, reallocation, revoke, or deactivation, which helps to efficiently manage your software licensing costs

Get all real-time asset data consolidated from multiple systems in one place

Thanks to the integration of the asset management solution with third-party systems (SCCM, AirWatch, ZenDesk, NetSuite, and any others required), the relevant data on the iOS devices, Windows laptops, etc. are accumulated in the platform.

The more connectors capable of taking data from the external systems are built, the more information about all company’s assets you access.

Take advantage of the configurational flexibility of asset management software

Designing custom data models should not be an issue — each company has specific system requirements in terms of filters, alerts, and notifications. Need an asset price field? Want to know when the device was repaired? Or should there be notes on the end of warranty?

When any field requested is added in two clicks, you have an opportunity to easily manage the data model of all entities in the system.

Automate various scenarios with an embedded workflow engine and streamline asset productivity

Automation is a key to a successful business strategy, and asset management is not an exception. If an asset management platform includes a workflow engine that enables the configuration of different use cases, you’ll get event-based notifications, find discrepancies, raise tickets in third-party systems in case issues with the device occur, and so on.

Go web & mobile — choose the optimal client for each specific use case

Web, iOS, Android, and iPad apps are usually adapted to particular purposes. Have a chance to use an asset management platform for mobile? It is likely to be targeted at inventorying mainly.  IPad will perfectly work for accessories-related use cases.

Generally, each client is designed to ensure the best experience for certain groups of users and use cases.


Provided that all the features above are implemented in the asset management platform, the software will follow companies on their way to achieving business goals. With the solution for smart asset management, you’ll reduce infrastructure expenses.

A well-arranged license management process cuts the annual costs spent on licensing.

Automated tracking of hardware, software, and licenses simplifies HR processes greatly — hiring, relocation, changing job positions, and dismissal procedures are accelerated as far less manual effort is needed to support HR-related activities.

Wonder how else IT asset management software can transform your business and save your time, money, and resources? Regardless of your business domain and size, Emerline will provide our vision on how to increase your performance and which asset management strategy to select to improve productivity.

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