Startup Development Services

Leverage Emerline’s profound, hands-on expertise to develop an MVP within the shortest time frame possible and build a feature-rich software solution even on a limited budget.

Emerline, a software development company for startups, uses the best engineering practices we’ve been honing for years. We understand the importance of time, budget, and flexibility in the fast-paced startup world and deliver your software considering all these factors.

Why Choose Emerline for Startup Development?

Emerline is the right partner to entrust your startup project. If you need proof, here are a few facts about us:

10+ years
We have over 10 years of experience working.
2-5 months
Average MVP delivery period
100+ startups
From Silicon Valley, UK, Switzerland, and EU we worked with successfully passed at least two rounds of investments.
Strict confidentiality
We uphold strict confidentiality and ensure that all intellectual property rights are rightfully owned by you.
Cutting-edge tools and technologies
We work with NLP, Machine Learning, Data Science, Data Engineering, Chatbots, GPT, and other popular innovative tools.
No restrictions on the project size
There is no minimum project size we kick off. Any of our services can be provided on demand. We value every client, no matter how big you are.

Emerline Is a Great Match if You Are:

Startup founder
Product Manager
…and the following sounds familiar to you:
I have an idea for a product, but I do not know where to start
I need to augment my in-house development team with more engineers
I have created the mock-up of my product and would like to create an MVP
I am not happy with my current vendor due to cultural and communication issues or poor software quality, and I would like to find another one
I need a clickable prototype to attract investors and secure funding
I am struggling with engineer turnover and looking for a reliable, long-term partnership with a vendor

Our Software Development Services for Startups

Whether you need to create a mobile app from scratch, develop a UI/UX design, or enhance the existing solution, Emerline is ready to provide a full spectrum of custom software development services for startups. We can assist you at any stage of your product’s lifecycle!

Prototyping and UI/UX design

Our team of experienced designers and developers works in unison to create a user-friendly and visually appealing design for your product and ensure that it provides seamless user experiences in addition to attractive looks.

Prototyping and UI/UX design

Our team of experienced designers and developers works in unison to create a user-friendly and visually appealing design for your product and ensure that it provides seamless user experiences in addition to attractive looks.

MVP development

For a startup, getting your product to market quickly and efficiently is crucial. Our experienced developers work closely with you to understand your business goals and create an MVP that showcases your product’s core features.

MVP development

For a startup, getting your product to market quickly and efficiently is crucial. Our experienced developers work closely with you to understand your business goals and create an MVP that showcases your product’s core features.

Discovery phase

Starting a new project can be overwhelming, with many ideas and possibilities to consider. We will guide you on the right path by validating your business idea. We will ensure you're on the right track with a solution that meets your requirements.

Discovery phase

Starting a new project can be overwhelming, with many ideas and possibilities to consider. We will guide you on the right path by validating your business idea. We will ensure you're on the right track with a solution that meets your requirements.

Mobile app development

Having a mobile app is essential for businesses of all sizes. Our mobile developers understand your business goals and create a mobile app that meets your specific needs.

Mobile app development

Having a mobile app is essential for businesses of all sizes. Our mobile developers understand your business goals and create a mobile app that meets your specific needs.

Web development

A website is a powerful tool for engaging with your customers and growing your business. We specialize in front-end and back-end development, provide guidance and support throughout the entire process, and are committed to helping you succeed.

Web development

A website is a powerful tool for engaging with your customers and growing your business. We specialize in front-end and back-end development, provide guidance and support throughout the entire process, and are committed to helping you succeed.

AI/ML integration

Leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can give you a competitive edge in today's fast-paced business world. Our AI/ML implementation services will help you make data-driven decisions and automate complex tasks, ultimately boosting your business growth.

AI/ML integration

Leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can give you a competitive edge in today's fast-paced business world. Our AI/ML implementation services will help you make data-driven decisions and automate complex tasks, ultimately boosting your business growth.

End-to-end custom development

We will help you build a solution tailored to your business requirements that gives you a competitive edge. Whether you need a mobile app, a website, or an AI/ML solution, we have the expertise to deliver a high-quality product that drives great results.

End-to-end custom development

We will help you build a solution tailored to your business requirements that gives you a competitive edge. Whether you need a mobile app, a website, or an AI/ML solution, we have the expertise to deliver a high-quality product that drives great results.

Cloud migration

Whether you need a public, private, or hybrid cloud solution, our team of cloud architects and engineers have the expertise to deliver a high-quality product optimized for performance, security, and scalability.

Cloud migration

Whether you need a public, private, or hybrid cloud solution, our team of cloud architects and engineers have the expertise to deliver a high-quality product optimized for performance, security, and scalability.

Our Collaboration Models

If you’re looking for software developers to extend your in-house resources or need an agile development team, Emerline offers a range of collaboration models to choose from:

Fixed bid project

Provide a clear project scope, timeline, and budget, and we will develop a product. We will help you achieve your business goals without worrying about unexpected expenses and other negative outcomes.

Contact us today to learn how Emerline can help you bring your idea to life.

Staff augmentation

Are you looking to augment your existing development team? Based on our staff augmentation model, you’ll have access to a pool of seasoned professionals to close your talent gaps.

Book a free consultation with our experts to scale your team and achieve success.

Emerline will choose a reliable and flexible software development approach to deliver your project on time.

Take a Look at Some of the Solutions We Delivered

more case studies
What Do Our Clients Say?

We have earned a reputation as a reliable startup software development company, which is proved by the feedback from our clients.


23 Reviews on Clutch

23 Reviews on Clutch


Geographically distributed

Emerline has development and delivery centers in both the EU and the USA, with its headquarters in Miami, FL. By distributing our team across multiple locations, we ensure smooth customer service and product delivery, regardless of our client's country of operation.


In addition to having a vast number of Middle, Lead, and Architect specialists on board, we vigorously promote and support the educational culture within the company's established centers.

Our centers of excellence offer programs on:

  • Java
  • Python
  • DevOps
  • Node.JS
  • Front-end
  • .Net


Our professionals have a diverse skill set that ensures the smooth delivery of reliable and quality solutions.

Technology Stack


  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • React: Nextjs
  • Vuejs: Nuxtjs
  • Angular: RxJS, NgRx
  • Stencil.js
  • Angular Elements
  • Lit-element
  • Redux
  • MobX
  • Material
  • Jest
  • Karma
  • Jasmine
  • Webpack
  • Rollup
  • Gulp.js
  • Svelte


  • Django
  • DRF
  • Celery
  • Flower
  • Graphene
  • Asyncio, gRPC
  • Flask
  • FastAPI
  • Scrapy, Pytest
  • Pyramid
  • Tornado
  • Web2py
  • Kivy
  • Bottle
  • Gevent
  • Babel
  • Pika
  • UnitTest


  • Java
  • Groovy
  • Kotlin
  • Scala
  • CDI
  • EJB
  • JPA
  • JMS
  • JSF
  • JAX-RS(WS)
  • JTA
  • Servlet/JSP
  • JAAS
  • JNDI
SAP tools and frameworks:
  • SAP Cloud SDK
  • JCo
  • Honeycomb
Frameworks & Tools:
  • Spring
  • Quarkus
  • Juice
  • Micronaut
  • JPA/Hibernate
  • MyBatis
  • FlywayDB
  • Liquibase
  • Maven
  • Gradle
  • Chef
  • TeamCity
  • Jenkins
  • Docker
SAP platforms and products:
  • SAP BTP Neo
  • SAP BTP CloudFoundry
  • SAP BTP Kyma
  • Ariba
  • Ariba
  • Hybris Commerce
  • SuccessFactors
  • HANA
  • Commerce Cloud


  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • NestJS
  • Express
  • LoopBack
  • Koa
  • Keystone.js
  • Total.js
  • Meteor
  • GraphQL
  • Derby.js
  • Sails.js
  • Hapi.js
  • Jest
  • Pulumi


  • All .NET Versions (Web & Desktop)
  • Azure Cloud (IAAS, SAAS, PAAS)
  • AWS
  • OData 4
  • REST
  • WCF
  • SOAP
  • Redis
  • ELK stack


  • Revel
  • Echo
  • Mux
  • Negroni
  • Gorm
  • Ginkgo
  • Bolt
  • Logrus
  • Go-envconfig
  • Testify
  • gRPC


  • Ruby on Rails
  • Rack
  • Puma
  • Redis
  • Resque
  • Sidekiq
  • REST-Client
  • OAuth2
  • Google-Api-Client
  • Nokogiri
  • Rubocop
  • Rspec


  • PHP 5
  • PHP 7
  • PHP 8
  • Laravel
  • Lumen
  • Zend Framework
  • Symfony
  • Yii
  • Doctrine
  • CodeIgniter
  • CakePHP
  • PEAR
  • WordPress
  • OpenCart
  • Drupal
  • Magento
  • Joomla


  • Shell Scripting
  • PERL scripting
  • Win API
  • COM
  • DCOM
  • STL
  • ATL
  • DDK
  • C++ REST SDK
  • GDI
  • GDI+
  • GCC
  • QT/QML
  • Boost
  • NDK
  • GTK+
  • wxWidgets
  • DirectX
  • OpenGL
  • OpenAL
  • MS C/C++ Compiler
  • Autoconf


  • MySQL/MariaDB
  • MS SQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB/Cassandra
  • Redis/Memcache
  • Azure SQL
  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Bigtable
  • Spanner
  • Amazon Aurora
  • Clickhouse


Social Networks:
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
Payments Providers:
  • Stripe
  • PayPal
Identity Providers:
  • Okta
  • Ping Identity
  • OneLogin
Analytics Services:
  • Mixpanel
  • Google Analytics
Cloud Service:
  • AWS
  • Azure
  • Google Cloud
Communication Providers:
  • Twilio
  • Mailchimp


  • Docker
  • Kubernetes/Openshift/OCI toolset
  • Helm/Kustomize
  • GitLab (+ GitLabCI)
  • GitHub (+ GitHub Actions)
  • AWS
  • GCP
  • Jenkins
  • Grafana
  • Prometheus
  • Terraform
  • Terragrunt/Atlantis
  • Zabbix
  • Microsoft Azure
  • AliCloud
  • TeamCity
SAP technologies:
  • Piper
  • HANA Cloud
  • BTP
  • MTA
Security tools:
  • Pentests
  • Certification Audit
Build and code manage tools:
  • MVN
  • NPM

Quality Assurance

Test Management System:
  • TestRail
Languages and related tools/frameworks:
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Python
Web/Mobile test automation frameworks:
  • Selenium WebDriver
  • Selenide
  • Cypress
  • WebdriverIO
  • Playwright
  • TestCafe
  • Appium
Testing tools:
  • BrowserStack
  • Postman
  • Apache JMeter
  • Fiddler
  • Charles Proxy
  • Xcode
  • Android Studio
Infrastructure tools:
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Selenium Grid
  • Selenoid
  • Moon
  • Jenkins
  • GitLab CI/CD
  • Allure

Data Science

  • Python
  • Matlab
  • Data Analysis
  • Data prediction
  • Clustering
  • NumPy
  • statsmodels
  • Pandas
  • fbprophet
  • scikit-learn
  • NLTK
  • TF-IDF
  • word2vec
  • fasttext
Image processing
  • OpenCV
  • CNN
Machine Learning
  • Keras
  • Tensorflow
  • PyTorch

Data Engineering

  • AWS Athena
  • S3
  • Kinesis
  • Redshift
  • Glue
  • Azure DataBricks
  • Data Factory
  • Apache Airflow
  • Spark
  • Hadoop
  • KafkaSnowflake


  • SAP Conversational AI
  • Dialogflow
  • Microsoft Bot Framework
  • IBM Watson Conversation Service
  • Facebook Messenger Platform
  • LUIS


  • Amazon IoT
  • Azure IoT
  • Azure Digital Twins
  • Raspberry pi
  • Arduino
  • STM 32
  • PIC
  • AVR
  • MSP


  • Bitcoin Core
  • USDT TRC20
  • Flow
  • Cryptocurrency Node Deployments
  • Hyperledger
  • Distributed Consensus Methodologies
  • Tronpy
  • Tronapi
  • Smart Contracts
  • Token
Bitcoin RPC Ethereum:
  • Solidity
  • Web3.js

What Can You Expect Us to Cover?

  • Setup of accounts and configuration of a cloud service provider infrastructure (AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, etc.). Infrastructure as a code.
  • Setup and connection of the required accounts in third-party systems (Stripe, Okta, Twilio, etc.).
  • Creation and deployment of the production environment.
  • If needed, the transition of the production operation and maintenance to third-party companies.

Awards and recognitions

Throughout our history, we have developed a number of partnerships with technology leaders, who attested our technical competencies and the ability to understand our customers’ needs and translate them into quality services
view all awards

Frequently Asked Questions

Startup software development refers to the process of creating custom software solutions specifically tailored for startup companies. It involves designing, developing, and deploying software applications that cater to the unique needs and goals of startups. This includes building minimum viable products (MVPs), developing scalable platforms, implementing innovative features, and ensuring rapid development cycles to meet the fast-paced nature of startups. The focus is on creating software solutions that help startups gain a competitive edge, attract investors, and achieve their business objectives.

Our Clients

Throughout our history, we have developed a number of partnerships with technology leaders, who attested our technical competencies and the ability to understand our customers’ needs and translate them into quality services