MedBill-IQ - Medical Bill Tracking App Aimed at Reducing Healthcare Costs

Emerline developed iOS and Android apps to help their customers reach a broader audience of clients, while complementing its web solution with mobile alternatives.



Healthcare representative

Target Audinece

Medical service consumers


Unjustifiably high payments for medical services


iOS and Android apps


Our customer assists people who financially suffer from unjustifiably high medical bills. The company carefully analyzes the bills to find billing inconsistencies if any, check out proper coding, and then negotiate down the cost of healthcare services.

With the successfully functioning web application for uploading and tracking medical bills, our client was finding the ways of reaching a wider audience. As there are many people who find web apps less convenient to use than mobile solutions, the Emerline team addressed the challenge of creating iOS and Android mobile products as well in order to give the app’s users an opportunity to utilize it on any device.

Solution Description

The idea is smart and simple — the first step is taking a picture of a medical bill (after creating an account in the app, of course), then a user uploads the photos and waits until medical bill examiners review the bills and determine possible savings.

No more overcharging for medical services thanks to the solution — the bills are significantly reduced by medical experts.

Our Contribution

Apart from building iOS and Android apps, the Emerline team developed Python middleware to integrate the apps with HappyFox, a help desk software solution used by our client for tracking customer issues and storing attachments.

Technology Stack We Used







Mobile apps developed by Emerline speed up the process of saving significant amounts of money for healthcare services, while letting their users upload their medical bills in a few clicks. Those who rarely use the internet on computer devices reap all the benefits of the mobile versions of the solution.

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